Making A Music Video? Two Reasons Why It Should Be Fully Animated

If you've created a song that you want to spread to the masses, few things can get it done like a great video.  You get the chance to put incredible visuals to the music that makes it come to life and stick in the mind of the viewer in such a way that it can help you gain that popular appeal that you're after.  When you're ready to shoot the video, you might be thinking about going the traditional route by simply showing up and going through the scenes.

4 Wall Painting Ideas for People Looking to Ditch Their Posters

If you are moving into your first apartment, and feel like decorating with posters might be a bit too reminiscent of all the dorm rooms and shard apartments you had during college, then a nice wall painting is just the ticket. However, if you've always been the type who hung posters, you might be a bit intimidated or overwhelmed at picking out a painting. Maybe you have visions of a fancy auction house, and the stuffy atmosphere of a museum.