Appreciating Beautiful Art Pieces

Ideas for a Custom Framed Piece to Celebrate a Recent Retiree

When you manage a company and one of your employees will soon be retiring, it's nice to think of the different ways that you can celebrate them. While a meal with your entire staff is often doable, you may also wish to order a custom item that the retiree can take home after their last day of work. One good option is a framed piece that helps to tell the story of the person's employment at your organization. Take some time to collect a variety of pictures and other items, and then take the pictures to a local custom framing service. A framing professional can produce a special piece that the retiree will be happy to hang up at home and remember the years with your company.

Work Pictures

Pictures have an important place in any framed piece, so you'll want to see what pictures you can collect. If the person has worked with you for a long time, you might have some pictures from a decade or more ago — which will be sure to produce some smiles when people see them in the framed piece. Formal photos as well as candid snapshots, which may have taken in the office or at work parties, can all help to tell the story of the person's years with your organization.

Flat Items

In addition to collecting some pictures, there are several flat items that you can provide your framing service to include in the piece. Consider one of the retiree's business cards, as well as any clippings of them in your company newsletter. If you'd like, you may even wish to look for different documents that can help to tell the story of the person's work with your company. One example could be a clipping from your city's newspaper that included a mention of the employee — perhaps because they did something noteworthy.

Bulky Items

A framing professional can often include some bulky items in the custom-framed piece, which can help to increase the piece's visual impact. There are different directions that you can take. For example, you might think about removing the nameplate outside of the person's office and including it in the framed piece. Even some office supplies can be useful to include. For example, if the retiree worked in the accounting department, a pencil with your company's branding information on it and a calculator can add something to the piece.

To learn more, visit a custom picture framing service near you. 
